Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The Human Brain

Recently, I have been reading the last chapter in my science book. It is titled, “Exploring Creation with General Science.”

Anyway, it is discussing the human brain! I am sure you are wondering why I am talking about the brain. I want to discuss the fact that if evolution was true we all would have died or have been severely hurt!

I would like to begin by looking up the word “brain” in the dictionary…

1. organ of thought and feeling: the controlling center of the nervous system in vertebrates, connected to the spinal cord and enclosed in the cranium.
It consists of a mass of nerve tissue, nerve supporting and nourishing tissue called neuralgia. It is the center of thought and emotions, and regulates bodily activities.

2. center of invertebrate nervous system: a nervous-system center in some invertebrates that is functionally similar to the brain in vertebrates

3. mind: somebody's intellectual ability He's got a good brain.

4. intelligence: somebody's natural intelligence (usually used in the plural) She's got brains as well as beauty.

5. somebody intelligent: somebody very intelligent (informal)

6. most intelligent person in group: the person in a group who is considered the most intelligent and who devises plans or strategies for it (informal) (usually used in the plural) Lee's the brains of the family.

Hmmmm, interesting. Now, lets look at what my science book says.

I am going to start by talking about the nervous system. As you know, the brain is connected to your back bone which is connected to all the nerves in your body.

Now there are two types of nervous systems: Peripheral Nervous System (PNS) and the Central Nervous System (CNS).

The PNS is responsible for receiving and sending signals to and from the brain and spinal cord. The CNS is composed of both brain and spinal cord, and it would absolutely be useless without the PNS! Why? Well, they both receive and send messages to and from each other from the body and the brain.

Now lets think for a minute, if our nervous systems evolved we would be in trouble! Why? Well, because if one is more evolved then the other the system would not work! That would lead to disaster!

Now lets look a special fluid called Cerebrospinal fluid, that is in your skull and in between all the vertebras in your back bone. What is so special about this liquid? Well, it is like a special solution. For instance, your brain is held in your skull by that liquid, and it acts like a shock absorber when you get hit on the head! Cool, uh? It also helps cushion the back bone.

If we evolved, we all would have died or have gotten sever brain and backbone damage with out the Cerebrospinal fluid protecting your brain and backbone! You could not control certain parts of your body if you backbone is broken in certain places, because you could not send signals to your brain!

A cerebellum is connected to the back of your brain next to your brain stem. What is so special about it? Well, it plays a large roll in muscle movement, and the most important job it does is helping you keep your balance! So, if your cerebellum evolved you would stagger around like a guy who had one to many bottles of beer! Even animals need cerebellum.

Here is a test: What farm animals stand perfectly on one foot for a long time? Answer: Chicken. Yes, the chicken. I have tried to see if I could beat them in a standing contest twice, and…the stupid chicken won!

The brain stem is a very important part of the body as well. It controls your breathing, heart rate, and the blood pressure! When I read that I said to my self, “ If we evolved we would have died!” Why? Well, think about it. If you can’t breath - you die. If your heart is pumping to much or to little blood your blood presser would not be correct!

The verses I have for this post are from Genesis.

Genesis 1:27, “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.”

Genesis 5:2, “He created them male and female and blessed them. And when they were created, he called them “Man”.”

What do you think? Let me know.

I found this little study fascinating because without the Designer the whole world would be in utter chaos! What do you think? Let me know.

“Remember to give glory to the One who authored nature.” A quote from Robert Boyle, the founder of modern chemistry.

God Bless,