Friday, April 9, 2010

Second Amendment in the Bill of Rights!

Second Amendment - A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

This is what it means we the people have the Right to have a well regulated Militia, and we have the Right to (this is my favorite part) keep and bear Arms! Sadly, that Right has been infringed, and at the end of the Second Amendment it says CLEARLY, that Right shall not be infringed upon!

William Wallace


  1. soooooo if i am getting this straight wee should be able to own a 50 caliber machinegun with only a gun license and yes people do make the comment
    that the government did not know what type of weapons we would have today.....true but they did allow the citizens to buy the best guns if the founding fathers wanted us not to have the best guns the would of given the early pioneers matchlock guns instead of flintlock

  2. I am all for a self-sponsored militia.
