Tuesday, May 25, 2010

For The Record : Guns Are Good

Is it legal to own a gun?

I want you to think about this, IS IT LEGAL TO OWN A GUN?

Yes, it is. But I am sure you will want some proof. I think the best proof you can get for this is in the Second Amendment in the Bill of Rights,

Second Amendment - A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, THE RIGHT OF THE PEOPLE TO KEEP AND BEAR ARMS, shall not be infringed.

That should be enough proof that it is legal to own a gun. By the way did you see anything in there that said you can only own certain types of guns? I didn’t. Did you see anything in there that said you have to have a permit to have one? I didn’t. Did you see anything in there that said how old you have to be before you can own one? I didn’t.

The government sure has broken the Second Amendment. Think about it, read the Second Amendment above… Well, did you find the answer? Look at the last part in the Second Amendment. The Government seemed to have “skipped” that part!

It makes me so mad. I have the Right as an American citizen to have a machinegun if I so choose! But no, those guns including Many others are “not for us common people.”

I could of had a AK47 and a 45 (that is a pistol) when I was seven years old!

When people of a America don’t have guns to defend them selves, how easy will it be for our Government to take away our rights and depopulate our country, and rule over us like a King?

What are your thought on this subject?



  1. Good Post, I agree with everything, amazing how you got all that together, good job!

    I loved the Video, :D

    God bless,

    Josiah B~
