Saturday, March 13, 2010

I am back...with information!

Alright! I am back. I found what I was looking for...the Bill of Rights! I am going to explain it the best I can bit by bit.

First Amendment-Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

In the first part I think it is saying the Congress can not make a law that has to do with religion, and they (the Congress) can not hinder you from doing your religion.

Next, it says they (the Congress) can not hinder nor block you off from the freedom of speech and press. I think that part is pretty clear.

Next, they (the Congress) can not take away our right for us (the people) to peaceably assemble. (assemble: to come to gather)

This last part says they (the Congress) can not hinder us from making the Government give back our rights, if they have infringed a upon them.

Let me know what your thoughts are about this first part.

Sir William Wallace


  1. Isn't it sad how are Godly our Country started, and now, our country is one of the worst places out there!

    I believe you are correct on these, but let me ask you a question, "Does the congress still follow these rules?"

    The first one you wrote, Cannot hinder you from religion, nope, that one has not been stopped, YET.

    The second one, Cannot hinder you or block you off from the freedom of speech and press, Yes, This one I believe had not been used correctly. Can we say whatever we wish, no. Glen Beck, He is a Republican I listen to everyday, but he cannot say whatever he wishes, or he'll get busted!

    The third one you said, cannot hinder you from meeting peaceably, sure, I believe this one is still followed, but will it be?

    The last one you worte, Cannot hinder us from making the Goverment give back our rights. NO, This one is not followed anymore, There are several "rights" that we cannot do/accomplish because the laws say we can't, I am not talking about harmful stuff, but they make it really hard to get some stuff...

    Good post!


  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. ok sory about my last commets somethin happened i didn't know it would automatically seperate my paragraph i will do better in my next one

  4. ok so here it goes a new one

    what they mean there in the first one is that they cannot tell the church what to teach doesn't mean they cannot stop them from going agianst thier belief

    noooooooooooot trueeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee if you happen to get a job in the army you have to sign a contract making you give up your rights besides that i mostly agree accept for people take for granted the freedom of speech because most magazines write about celebraties when it was origanally made so people could print what was going on the goverment

    ok peacably assemble that means no mob

    ok that makes no sence if they take away that part of the right then we can't petition

    and josiah how in the world are we one of the worst country out there because if we are i will make plans to go to brazil with headhunters and bands of rebels. in a way i do agree with you i mean we have come a long way but if it wasn't for the civil war then we would still have slaves so in a way it is a good thing and bad thing

  5. Josiah, you are correct in what you said, espesially when you said our Country is wicked!

    Walker, if you study America's true history you will see we were founded has a Christan Nation. But now the Christanity in our Country is slowly being disolved out of our schools, radio, ect.

    If you belive in God and Freedom, one day you and I (and other people who belive the same way) will have to fight for our God given rights!

    Sir William Wallace

  6. Walker ~ Going to Brazil or any other nation, might not be so bad...once the goverment starts killing Christians for their beliefs, we will all have to go to Isreal, or maybe even somewhere in the middle of nowhere in Russia! :D

    Our country is a wicked nation, God's wrath must be fuming at our nation right now, why is he holding back? Well, there must be enough Christians to not Destroy America...Remember that story about the Two angels going to save Laban from Sodom and Gamorah? And the Angels told Abraham their plan, and he said to them "if there is but 1 righteous soul in sodom and gomorah, will you destroy it?" and they answered him saying "No"

    I beleive once the rapture happens, and the Bible does say it, God will wipe out America bit by bit...

    God bless!

  7. "will have to fight for our God given rights!"

    Can you show me where in the Bible Jesus gave us the authority to fight our government with force, even for a good cause?

    @ Josiah

    "once the goverment starts killing Christians for their beliefs, we will all have to go to Isreal, "

    Bible says it isn't going to go down like that. It says that we will be slaughtered in droves and the beast will be granted victory over us.

    "Our country is a wicked nation, God's wrath must be fuming at our nation right now"

    I agree with you that the reason our country isn't like Europe at this point is because of Christians. I also believe it has to do with our continuous support of Israel.

  8. Timothy,

    Do you believe that we are of the chosen 144,000? I do not, I believe that the 144,000 are jews, people of Isreal, that come from the same generations as the Hebrews coming out of Eygpt.

    Why would we all have to go to Isreal? Sure, it would be a safe place, but we wouldn't "have" to go there...In the Bible it doesn't say that "And every Christian will flee to Isreal" nope...not even close, if it does, please show me where.

    William Wallace,
    Sorry if we are getting a little of topic, but I am having fun sharing my beliefs...:D

  9. No. What I meant by that was "Whoever curses you will be cursed and whoever blesses you will be blessed."

  10. But yeah. I think that Israel will come back to God.(zechariah 10:12) And that they will triumph over the beast(which I have a theory on if you want to hear it) through Christ. And that the 144,000 will be from the 12 tribes of Israel.

  11. ok josiah if the the end of the world happens to come in my lifetime i will be more than happy to march outside my front door and start preaching the word of god and proclaiming Jesus is god because it says in the bible that during the end of times that we will not be able to escape by fleeing to the hills

  12. or guys what happens if we pray in faith and believe in God that our country will not go down in flames and technically all the states except for the original 13 can succeed from the union and make their own country. ok ok timothy so God is just fuming at our nation while halfway across the world where Christians are being tortured for their beliefs and god is fuming at ouuurrrr country if thats the case then i do not know what he is like to other countrys and the fact that were fighting them must mean God is on there side since were the most heathen country in the world
    and i do get that we have come a loong way from the beginning but the only times that our country has been so godly is when we had the great awakening and depression so i say let us come together and spread the word lets us make another awakening without twisting the bibles words around
