Sunday, February 14, 2010

WallBuilders - Historical Documents - The Declaration of Independence

WallBuilders - Historical Documents - The Declaration of Independence

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Now I want you to read the Declaration of Independence and tell me what you think about it.

What they are saying in this document is that they are tyred of England abusing them and they list what England has done to them. And they are saying they are separating them selves from England and becoming their own Nation.

It is a very interesting document, and I highly recommend you read and study it

Sir William Wallace

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Where do ALL of OUR Rights come from?

Well, where do you think all of our right come from?

Here is the answer: The Ten Commandments and God (our Creator) gave it to us so we can apply it to our lives. (you will find the Ten Commandments in Exodus chapter 20)

Now let me ask you somthing, if you call your self a Christian do you obey the TEN COMMANDMENTS?

If you disagree with me, please let me know.


Friday, February 5, 2010

The Begining


My blog will show you what many people do not know. My hope is that you will learn a lot from my efforts.

Sir William Wallace